12 Pine Street, Brockville, ON  | 613-342-5865

Weekly Bulletin


Your Weekly Bulletin for /photos/custom/Epiphany 7 Feb 23 (L).pdf

/photos/custom/Feb 23 Insert.pdf

ANNUAL VESTRY 2025: Sunday, March 2nd. One Sunday service at 10:00 am. Meeting will follow.

/photos/custom/Pancake Supper Poster 2025.pdf

Our Blessing Box supply needs to be restocked. Ideas: granola bars, cookies and muffins in small plastic bags, cans of soup and pasta that can be opened without a can opener, fruit and pudding cups, trail mix in small plastic bags, fruit roll ups.

World Day of Prayer 2025: Please join us for World Day of Prayer. A prayer movement that invites us to enrich our faith experience with the experience of Christians from other countries and cultures and to bring hope to women touched by injustice. The service was written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Cook Islands. St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Brockville Thursday, March 6th 2025 7:00pm This service is organized by members of churches who are part of the Brockville & Area Ministerial Association. 11

Observing a Holy Lent :I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Lord, to observe a Holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and by reading and meditating on the word of God.

Burning of the Psalms: Shrove Tuesday, March 4th following the Pancake Supper

Ash Wednesday: March 5th Services at Noon and at 7:00pm

Learning & Growing During Lent Each week St. Paul’s offers a number of “learning and growing” opportunities. In addition, these are being offered this Lenten season.

Saturday, March 15th 1:00 – 3:00pm Parish Hall PRAYING in COLOUR Drawing and colouring as a way of centering our prayer and meditation. No artistic talent required! Led by Rev. Lynn+ 12

Saturday, March 29th 1:00-3:00pm Parish Hall Planning My Funeral: Have you ever thought about your funeral service? We think of Estate planning, Wills, POAs, but often not our own funeral service. What kind of witness would you like it to be? This is an opportunity to think of what kind of service you’d like to have, the hymns, the scripture readings…. This will be led by Rev. Lynn+, who did her first funeral planning workshop when she was 35.

Tuesdays in Lent with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Once again, we are invited to join with our companion church, Good Shepherd Lutheran for worship, reflection, and fellowship over delicious food. Our focus this year will be on the five senses. It is intended to center our five senses as a way of exploring the significance of the incarnation of Christ throughout our Lenten journey. We are made in the image of God, who chose to share our humanity by joining in our embodied experience. Tuesdays March 11th, March 18th, March 25th, April 1st , and April 8, beginning at 3:00pm.


St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 12 Pine St. in Brockville has a wonderful medium size hall for rent. We have tables and chairs for use.

The hall capacity is the following:

Dining & Alcohol – 96 Persons

Tables and Chairs – 111 Persons

Charis – 141 Persons

Standing – 265 Persons

We currently have bookings for Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings. Please inquire for more details to Rod Slack at beasyone@icloud.com  or call Jody at the church office 613-342-5865.

From the Envelope Secretary. Please only use chrystal@forbesbooking.ca to contact Chrystal Forbes for any business regarding donations. Should you need to speak to someone directly, please call the church office (613 342 5865) and leave a message and it will be relayed to the Envelope Secretary.  

Please continue to only use stpauls35@gmail.com for eTransfers. Thank you and the Church appreciates your generosity.
Breakfast Club Schedule: Our Monthly Saturday Breakfasts are back! We are meeting on Feb 22nd at Keystorm Pub. Please contact John Sharpe to confirm your seat at 613-342-6873 or jgsharpe@cogeco.ca

Volunteer Opportunities:

(If you are interested in any of the offerings below, please reply to rector and you will be directed to the person in charge of this ministry or activity. Please read and consider where you might be called to serve.)
Chris Groenewoud, Head of Greeters, is looking for a few more people to sign up to welcome people to the 10am service, directing people to the bulletins and answering any questions they might have. While collection still happens in a box by the exit, this job is easy...just smile under your mask and say "Welcome to St Paul's. We are glad you are here!". 
Altar Guild
Soon we will resume the ministry of the Altar Guild. These are the folks who prepare the sacred vessels for communion and care for the linens and paramounts. Sometimes there is a call for flower arranging and/or decorating the worship space for special seasons or events. Pre-pandemic, each altar guild team served just once per month but it will depend how many volunteers come forward for future schedules. A welcome party and training for new members will be scheduled later in the spring.
As we prepare for our music program to expand in the months ahead, maybe you will consider joining your voice to this warm, happy group of singers.    

Brockville Food Bank (Operation Harvest Sharing): We will continue to designate the 3rd Sunday of the month as a time to bring non-perishable food items to church.  We welcome any items but would like to suggest that cereals, peanut butter, jam, and pasta are items that they consider to be high on their "wish list".  Thank you to all who have donated in the past.

Women’s Book & Bible Study Group: This group meets Tuesdays at noon in the homes of members. Sometimes a particular book is studied and sometimes we look at the upcoming Sunday Lectionary Readings. Call Janice for more information at 613-341-8822.

Gospel Study: This group meets Thursdays at 7pm online with Zoom ,with discussion and study led by Rev. Ted. Call Ted for more information at 613-498-2942.

Sunday Offering Counters: Do you have a patient attention to detail? The counters are looking for two people to join the roster of Sunday counters, so that each team will count only once per month. The offering is counted during coffee hour following the 10 am service. Talk with Peggy Bell, head Counter Coordinator. Peggy: 613-803-3592

Soup for the Soul: Making a batch of soup? Have leftover chlili? Someone in our congregation could probably make good use of it! We share it with our families dealing with illness, loss of a loved one, or those having trouble making ends meet. Please label and date your donation.

Partnership with Brockville General Hospital Maternal Care Unit:  The following items are needed for New Babies-in-Need Baskets; Jackets, sleepers sizes 0-9 months, undershirts (onezies), small baby powders, small baby oils, small soaps, and receiving blankets, etc.. If you wish to donate, please bring items in on Sunday or contact Bea at 613-342-5223.   

Please follow us on our Facebook page:
