Parish Ministries at St. Paul's Brockville
Ministries in the community
Brownies, Rangers and Pathfinders
Operation Harvest Sharing Food Bank
Loaves and Fishes
Operation Harvest Sharing Food Bank
Loaves and Fishes
Sunday Suppers
Blessing Boxes
Wee Care Baskets
Agape Refugee Support
Ministries within the parish
St. Paul's Breakfast Group
Pastoral Visitation Teams
Website and social media, active management
Transportation to the church
Cards to shut-ins
Coordinate with ACW activities
Website and social media, active management
Transportation to the church
Cards to shut-ins
Coordinate with ACW activities
Altar Guild
Lay Readers
Office Volunteers
Godly Play Storytellers
Camera Operators
Property Maintenance
Offering Counters
Envelope Secretary
Deputy Wardens
Synod Delegates
Parish Advisory Council Members
Justice and Green Group Members
Outreach Members
Coffee Hour Co-odinator
Soup for Soul Cooks